Rio’s training courses
How to become a calm dog even around triggers
Reactivity affects 1 out of 3 dogs. In this course we teach you the skills needed to never be embarrassed by your reactive dog again without spendin thousands on 1:1 training.
How to train your dog’s recall to come every single time
Give this course just 3 minutes a day, and you will see that your dog can safely enjoy off-leash walks… Because they will have perfect recall in any situation!
Explore more positive and effective online dog training courses
On demand anytime, anywhere
Dog Tricks $29
Mastering Potty Training $9
Calm Down $49
Loose Leash Walking $114
Confidence Booster $35
Dog Agility @ Home $199
Indoor Games For Small Spaces $99
Stop Resource Guarding! $29
Other things we use on a daily basis
Deep relaxation system for dogs. Relaxopet uses a subliminal sound system to help your dog relax and reduce stress.