Rio’s training courses

How to become a calm dog even around triggers

Reactivity affects 1 out of 3 dogs. In this course we teach you the skills needed to never be embarrassed by your reactive dog again without spendin thousands on 1:1 training.

How to train your dog’s recall to come every single time

Give this course just 3 minutes a day, and you will see that your dog can safely enjoy off-leash walks… Because they will have perfect recall in any situation!

How to train your dog to behave well in public despite the distractions

Distracted, jumping on strangers, unfocused. If this sounds like your dog, we can help you. Every dog can learn how to behave well in public. We have helped hundreds to become the perfect companion for every outing.

Explore more positive and effective online dog training courses

On demand anytime, anywhere

Dog Tricks $29

Mastering Potty Training $9

Calm Down $49

Loose Leash Walking $114

Confidence Booster $35

Dog Agility @ Home $199

Indoor Games For Small Spaces $99

Stop Resource Guarding! $29

Other things we use on a daily basis

Relaxopet deep relaxation system for dogs.


Deep relaxation system for dogs. Relaxopet uses a subliminal sound system to help your dog relax and reduce stress.


Rio’s placement mat

Rio’s Amazon items