Must have for founders!

Anatomy of Brand Identity Workbook

Every business needs a strong brand. But not every business has the resources to invest. Find out how to build a brand on your own. Plus tips where you can get affordable branding solutions.

What’s included in the Anatomy of Brand Identity Workbook:


Step-by-step instructions for creating your personal brand.

Explanations of essential concepts such as brand essence, brand personality, visual identity, and brand voice, plus exercises to develop these for your business.
Templates and checklists for practical application of the concepts discussed.

A compilation of resources, tools, and software recommendations for brand identity development.

Hi, I’m Anzhelika.

I’m Anzhelika, founder of Content Fudge, founder of U4Success, digital marketer, content creator, influencer, and former scientist. If you’re looking to start your own business, you’re in the same place I was not too long ago. Believe me, I understand the overwhelming feeling, the doubts, and the confusion about where to begin and how to proceed. Despite living in the age of abundant information, there’s still a lack of comprehensive resources on the internet that guide you through the process of starting a business and its online presence from scratch. Of course, every business is different and there is no “fit-it-all-solution”. But many steps can be generalised to apply to different businesses.

I’ve personally launched two successful companies and guided over 25 entrepreneurs into launching their personal brands. I know what it takes to turn an idea into a real project. It’s not just about motivation or having a positive mindset – it’s about a structured and strategic approach to planning, executing, and scaling your business. I’m not your typical business coach, but I can offer you something valuable – marketing insights and techniques that will help you structure, automate and let you business run on “autopilot”.

Ready to start? Then let’s go!