10 Steps to Building a Sustainable Business

For professionals, solopreneurs, coaches, and small business owners

16th of September at 19:00 CET

Are you dreaming of starting your own business but feeling overwhelmed by where to begin? Do you feel confused by so many digital marketing tools? You’re not alone. Many aspiring entrepreneurs struggle with the fear of failure, the uncertainty of the unknown, and the challenge of figuring out where to start.

This webinar is designed specifically for people like you—those who are ready to take the leap but need the right tools and knowledge to build a business that not only survives but thrives. Imagine having a clear, step-by-step plan that guides you through the process of creating a sustainable, scalable business with a powerful online presence. This is your opportunity to turn your dream into a reality.

In this powerful and transformative webinar

You’ll learn:

  • How to create a business that isn’t just a house of cards but one that can endure challenges and thrive for years to come.
  • How to build an online presence that not only attracts customers but also positions you as a leader in your industry.
  • How a strong brand strategy can streamline communication across all channels, ensuring a consistent and powerful message.
  • How to save time and effort by planning and creating content that continues to drive traffic and engagement long after it’s published.
  • Setting up client generation systems that work for you around the clock, turning prospects into paying customers on autopilot.

Why Should You Attend?

Starting a business is one of the most exciting and rewarding things you can do, but it’s also one of the most challenging. Without the right guidance, many new businesses fail before they even get off the ground. By attending this webinar, you’ll gain:


Clarity and Direction

Learn exactly what steps to take to turn your business idea into a reality, so you can start with confidence.


Peace of Mind

Avoid the anxiety and uncertainty that often comes with starting a new venture by learning from experts who’ve been where you are.


Time and Resource Savings

Get practical advice and tools that save you time and money, allowing you to focus on what really matters—growing your business.


A Strong Start

Lay the groundwork for a sustainable and scalable business, ensuring you’re not just starting but starting right.

Love Content Fudge - Social Media Management and Content Marketing

Mag. Dr. Arzu Sedef, LL.M. Founder & Owner of ChangeNew Consulting

“Her extraordinary expertise in the field of content marketing and social media
management won me over immediately. Her passion for the subject is unmistakable. You can clearly see her comprehensive expertise, as her explanations are not only scientifically sound, but also backed up by her immense experience.”

Dagma - Brand Designer and Strategist

“it’s really great, you gave me a new perspective, and gave me the final boost. Firstly, the goal-system, it was always kind of blurry to me g but now, as I attended your workshop it became clear, and secondly, I have a big enemy, competitive audit. Still don’t know how to find exactly my competitors, but I’m trying & but the examination process became clear as well. And overall, I saw that your method is not about the really hook-focused, ‘mystical’ approach, but the actual social media strategies”

Anastasiia Revutska

“I found out a lot of important points about social media for myself for the future. I think nowadays there is so much information that’s it’s can be overwhelming, that’s why it’s great to know people, who can explain you everything more clear:)”

Anita Bisinger

“It was very well structured and understandable. Even tough I knew a lot about the topic already, I got inspired by your energy and felt the love you put into it! Also hacks of how you Analyse and strategize were very useful insights for me! Thanks a lot for having me and see you next time! :)”

Who should attend?

This webinar is perfect for:

  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs who have a business idea but need guidance on how to turn it into a thriving enterprise.
  • New Business Owners who want to ensure they’re building their business on a solid foundation with long-term growth in mind.
  • Freelancers and Creators looking to transition from side gigs to a full-fledged business with a strong online presence.
  • Coaches and Service Providers who want to start their own practice and attract clients from the start.
  • Anyone Planning to Start a Business who is serious about getting it right from the beginning and avoiding costly mistakes.

Where & When:

  • Date: 16.09.24
  • Time: 19:00
  • Location: online

Hi, I’m Anzhelika.

I’m Anzhelika, founder of Content Fudge, founder of U4Success, digital marketer, content creator, influencer, and former scientist. Yes, you heard it right—I worked as a scientist for 8 years, holding a PhD from VetMedUni. But my creativity was always too strong to be contained in a lab. That’s how I came to science communication, then to copywriting, and eventually to digital and social media marketing.

If you’re looking to start your own business, you’re in the same place I was not too long ago. Believe me, I understand the overwhelming feeling, the doubts, and the confusion about where to begin and how to proceed. Despite living in the age of abundant information, there’s still a lack of comprehensive resources on the internet that guide you through the process of starting a business from scratch. Of course, every business is different and there is no “fit-it-all-solution”. But many steps can be generalised to apply to different businesses.

I’ve personally launched two successful companies and guided 6 startups into their launch. I know what it takes to turn an idea into a real project. It’s not just about motivation or having a positive mindset – it’s about a structured and strategic approach to planning, executing, and scaling your business. I’m not your typical business coach, but I can offer you something valuable – marketing insights and techniques that will help you structure, automate and let you business run on “autopilot”.

Ready to start? Then let’s go!

Workshop outline:

  • Starting Strong: Understand the difference between a business built on solid foundations versus one built on shaky ground, and learn how to start on the right foot.
  • Creating a Roadmap: How to develop a business plan and marketing strategy that guides your growth from day one.
  • Building Your Brand: How to define your brand’s identity and ensure consistent communication that resonates with your target audience.
  • Establishing Your Online Presence: Step-by-step guidance on setting up essential online tools like websites, CRMs, and booking systems that will be the backbone of your business.
  • Crafting Your Message: How to write compelling, SEO-optimized content that helps your business get found and converts visitors into customers.
  • Planning for Success: How to create and manage content that builds awareness, engages your audience, and drives business growth.
  • Setting Up for Passive Income: How to create automated lead generation and sales systems that work for you, even when you’re not actively working.

Frequently Asked Questions


Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs, new business owners, freelancers, creators, and service providers who are in the early stages of their business journey or planning to start a business. If you’re looking to build a solid foundation, create a strong online presence, and set up scalable systems, this webinar is for you.


Do I need any prior business experience to attend?

No prior experience is necessary! This webinar is tailored for beginners and those just starting out. We’ll guide you through the essential steps, making sure you have a clear understanding of how to build a sustainable and scalable business from the ground up.


How can I prepare for the webinar?

Once you register, you’ll receive a Pre-Webinar Starter Kit, including worksheets and resources to help you get the most out of the session. This will ensure you’re ready to engage fully and take actionable steps afterward.



How long is the webinar?

The webinar will last approximately 60 minutes, followed by a 30-minute live Q&A session where you can get your questions answered directly by the presenter.


Will there be any additional costs after the webinar?

The webinar itself is free to attend. We’ll also be offering some exclusive discounts on our future courses and resources, but there’s no obligation to purchase anything further. The only thing we’ll ask for, if you liked the webinar, to leave us a testimonial 🙂


What makes this webinar different from others?

This webinar focuses on providing practical, step-by-step guidance tailored to beginners. We emphasize building a business with a solid foundation and long-term potential, rather than quick fixes. Plus, you’ll receive actionable tools and resources you can start using right away.

Register now and take the first step towards creating a successful business with a strong online presence.